Home Expertise Our Practice Groups Corporate & Asset Succession / Foundations
Corporate & Asset Succession / Foundations
The specialist area of corporate succession / asset succession / foundations combines our expertise at the interface of inheritance law, corporate law, foundation law and tax law.
- advise and accompany you in the planning and implementation of corporate succession measures and your private asset succession,
- draw up customized wills, inheritance contracts, prenuptial agreements and gift contracts for you,
- work with you to draw up partnership agreements tailored to your ideas, which precisely regulate the future interaction of the partners/family members, control the succession and limit it to the desired group of persons, and avoid future disputes,
- act as executors of wills or support executors in the execution of wills,
- advise and represent you in inheritance disputes and in shareholder disputes and litigation,
- support you in the establishment of a non-profit foundation of a private-benefit foundation (especially family foundation) and
- assist companies, shareholders and foundations in their day-to-day affairs,
- accompany you in the transfer of your company into asset ownership (so-called responsible ownership).
- Entrepreneurs,
- wealthy individuals,
- owners of traditional family assets,
- Heirs, legatees and relatives of entrepreneurs and high net worth individuals entitled to a compulsory portion,
- Founders, trusts and members of the boards of trusts,
- executors of wills and
- Tax advisors, banks and asset managers in succession and foundation matters.
- Analysis and optimization of the asset and company structure,
- Identification and defense of family, legal and tax risks in case of illness and death,
- legally and fiscally optimized structuring of private and corporate assets,
- Design and implementation of life and testamentary measures for asset and company succession,
- asset protection,
- representation in and out of court in inheritance, compulsory portion and shareholder disputes,
- execution of wills,
- Advice and assistance in the settlement of estates,
- Establishment and transfer of companies into asset ownership (so-called responsible ownership) and related tailor-made
- corporate and inheritance law structuring,
- Advice and support in the establishment of foundations and in ongoing foundation matters, as well as
- Assumption of functions in advisory and supervisory boards of (family) companies as well as in foundation bodies.
- Support in the concretization and weighting of our clients' legal, tax and family objectives,
- national and international asset and business succession planning,
- Conception and implementation of risk prevention and succession measures:
- health care proxies, care and living wills,
- Anticipated succession (gift and transfer agreements (if necessary, subject to usufruct/residential reservation , against provision)),
- Tailor-made wills and inheritance contracts taking into account
- the individual life plan (e.g. marriage, cohabitation, civil partnership, patchwork/rainbow family),
- the special family features (e.g. children from previous unions, conflicts with or among relatives, minority/adoption/disability/indigence of potential heirs, fideicommis tradition) and
- of the peculiarities of the asset and company structure (e.g. holding structures, special business assets / company splitting, foreign assets, art collection),
- Inheritance contracts (Section 311 b (5) of the German Civil Code) and agreements waiving compulsory portions,
- marriage and civil partnership agreements,
- Amendment of partnership agreements to prepare and secure business succession,
- Establishment and structuring of asset-managing family companies and family foundations,
- Pooling and voting agreements,
- regulation of the digital estate,
- Reduction, defense and enforcement of compulsory portion claims,
- extrajudicial and judicial representation in inheritance and compulsory portion disputes as well as in family company disputes,
- national and international estate settlement,
- Support, pacification and settlement of communities of heirs,
- assumption of execution of wills,
- Advice on foundation law and tax law and representation of founders in the choice and conception of legal forms
- foundation, foundation limited liability company or foundation association
- legally capable or dependent foundation
- non-profit, charitable, ecclesiastical or private-benefit foundation
- perpetual, expendable or hybrid foundation
- operative foundation, development foundation, corporate foundation, family foundation
Advice on foundation law and taxation and representation of founders in the choice of legal form and conception of foundations, foundation limited liability companies and foundation associations
Ongoing legal, tax and administrative matters,
structural changes
conflict situations,
Accompaniment of otherwise specialized legal and tax advisors in estate planning and settlement for their clients,
Advising and representing health care proxies and executors in the performance of their duties and in conflicts with relatives of the principal or heirs.
Dr. Georg Anders
Dr. Stefan Bauer
Dr. Frank Grischa Feitsch, M.C.L.
Prof. Peter Feitsch
Dr. Michael Frühmorgen
Christoph Hamm
Sven Hoffmann
Tamara Kaiser
Christoph Kannengießer
Dr. Kerstin Linder
Georg-René Lubinski
Dr. Thomas Miller
Norbert Pahl
Clemens Richter
Jan-F. Schubert
Alexander Tauber
Martin Zimmermann